Systemic Family Constellations is a framework and methodology that creates an opening to the present moment and allows an organic unfolding in the Now to address whatever is keeping you from freely living a conscious, mature and authentic life.
Although this modality was originally developed as a group process, its application has evolved in many ways, including individual 1 on 1 sessions.
It offers a way to uncover hidden dynamics, unresolved conflicts, and systemic patterns that are contributing to personal challenges. By gaining insights into these dynamics, one can move towards understanding and resolving issues regarding relationships, family of origin, children, work, finances, health, death, etc.
The session begins with you setting up a 3-dimensional representation of the internal picture of the issue you want to explore. The people or elements belonging to the issue are represented by small objects. This spatial setting out of the people or elements that belong to your issue offers an immediate visual mapping out of the relationships between yourself and the people and elements. This supports an uncovering of what has been unseen and therefore new understandings and opportunities to move from disharmony towards order.
The beauty and power of this modality is that it allows us to step away from story and words, and work with what is hidden in our family systems, using the innate wisdom of our bodies. It gives us a way to access support and guidance from others and from the Field from which reality itself is unfolding.