Feeling Colors
Energy work with colors
Here on Corfu, I want to make you tangibly aware of what the colors of your clothes have to do with our being, our personal development, our presence and our spirituality.
I will show how much we can support ourselves with the colors we wear, inside and outside. Most people are unaware of how strongly colors, especially the colors of our clothing, are constantly affecting us. In doing so, with the knowledge of the effects of colors on body, mind and soul, our clothes could become a second skin, our “soul clothes”.
The colors that are suitable for us give us energy and strength, joy of life, strengthen our self-confidence and our presence. Harmonious colors make us feel free and light, give our voice volume and promote our authenticity. We feel our true being and radiate our light into the world. We are connected with our true colors – our unique essence.
I invite you to a new experience – to feel colors with closed eyes, without knowing which color you feel. With some colors you will feel very comfortable, very relaxed. Your breath will go deep, you feel free. You feel your presence, your greatness and your voice is clear. With other colours you feel very small, depressed or tight. You will feel your instability and sometimes your voice will be occupied……
If you feel like learning more about “Feeling Colors” and experiencing the power of colors, you are welcome to join me for a special experience, your Feeling Colors – journey, to explore yourself in a new way.
Usually a one time color journey with Rita will take minimum 3 hours. Here, at the festival, Rita can give you also only a little taste of “Feeling Colors”. So she will offer to you two different colors to feel with closed eyes, and she will channel another color you need at this moment. A color which will support your next steps. So it will take about 30 minutes.