Healing Massage & B.E.S.T. Release
Athanasia is an ambassador of nature representing Synarchy. Greek, living permanently in Corfu island exploring nature’s intelligence, being led to net positive ways for self healing and environmental deep ecology. She is dedicated to support humanity stepping from hierarchy to synarchy in harmonic, innovative and playful ways, for the highest good of all beings.
Athanasia is founder of “Back to the Roots” herbal remedies for beauty, empowering and healing, she is an herbalist, wild herb collector and beekeeper. She is practicing Qigong and energy healing.
Sessions are taking place in Athanasia’s very cozy space, walking distance from the festival area. Just bring your water, everything else is provided.
Please come with a light stomach.
For your interest in her “Back to the Roots” local herbal remedies get in touch directly with her via email.