Teresa Ragg
The Magic of Human Connection
When we take a look at what is going on in this world one thing becomes clear – we need each other more than ever.
How can it be that we are so many people on this planet yet so many struggle with feeling alone? How can it be that we feel like we need to put up a facade in our daily lives to cover up the very thing that unites us all – our humaness ? Our wellbeing is directly linked to our abilility to be open, for people to deeply see into us (intimacy = into-me-see), to make our feelings, needs and desires known to each other. And to make it safe again to just be human. And this is exactly what this magical group journey is about.
True connection does require vulnerabity and there is just no way around it. It can be scary and uncomfortable but there is nothing more healing and life giving than bringing forth the parts in us that have remained hidden and see that maybe they are not as alone as they thought they were. When we consciously open up to that we can be suprised just how much nourishment & belonging is available to us and how warm and beautiful this world can be. So let this workshop be an invitation to remember and reconnect,
to be uplifted and feel what it’s like to be lovingly embraced just as you are and to see that even if we are strangers at first – there is so much we can give each other. Come fill your cup & let yourself experience the magic of human connection.
Please bring a journal and pen, a yoga mat or pillow to sit on and a water bottle
Teresa is a highly intutive life coach with extra sensory abilities and a workshop facilitator. It’s her passion to see what has remained hidden, to reconnect people to the parts in them that have been long lost and suppressed and that now hold the key to the long-lasting change they desire. It’s her mission to get people “unstuck” & offer a space for deep transformational healing so that what your’re creating is coming from a place of inner alignment and self-love.