Netanel Goldberg
Ceremonial Concert
Netanel is a mentor of soul singing ceremonies around the world. A space that invites and encourages honest connection in shared and powerful singing. A place that allows deep and powerful connection with what lives within us and give it expression with our voice, heart, body & soul. Each such concert is a deeply touching and transformative ceremony. Which creates an unconditional connection between all present. We all influence and are affected by what is created in this sacred spiral.
We are holy – we are here to live this life
Netanel Goldberg is a unique international voice artist with a tremendous, exciting and powerful vocal range ranging from a connection to high and heavenly frequencies to a penetrating and deep voice, a ladder between heaven and earth, a bridge between the ancient and the new. Netanel grew up on classical, Jewish music. For a family of singers and prayer leaders he has created alternative spaces for prayer .In it for all faith and religion, women, and men can connect – and bring powerful healing for the world.