Christian Rippel
Ecstatic Dance
Join us for a juicy and ecstatic shake and be invited to scream and dance out everything which wants to be released from your body to make space for the new!
On this Ecstatic Music Journey Christian Rippel will set the tunes and lead us through a journey of joy, depth and ecstasy.
Please bring warm and comfortable clothes. Comfortable and thick socks as the floor may get chilly in Winter
Christian grew up in Berlin and completed Law, Economics and Praxeology Studies in his hometown and Madrid. As he perceived that for him the limits of theoretical and book-knowledge were reached, he was led to turn to the experimental side of Music, Yoga and Meditation. Yoga, Music, Breath and Meditation are gates to different and higher planes of consciousness and perception, they are able to connect us with a deeper intelligence inside of us. Christian’s sessions are structured and designed in deep respect to the potential of these techniques. He teaches Yoga and Meditation and leads Ecstatic Dances.