Aldebaran Sandrini
Astrological insight
to navigate 2024 in full awareness
The Astrology of 2024 is quite intense: we have the beginning of a new era, due to the ingress of Pluto in Aquarius that will last for the next 20 years. In April Jupiter will conjunct Uranus in Taurus for the first time since 1941 and we will see many changes in our relationship with material possessions and our bodies.
Every transiting planet has its agenda: to shape us into a better version of ourselves and help us grow in wisdom, self-compassion and abundance in every area of our life.
In this talk, Aldebaran will provide guidance about how to best navigate these challenging times.
She been using Depth Astrology for 25 years to help people understand their potential, their life project, and the meaning of what they experience in their daily lives. To motivate and remind those who have forgotten what they have chosen to manifest in this place at this time. She transmits this ancient wisdom in my School of Astrology ATHANOR she founded in Switzerland, both with theory and also integrating astrology with yin yoga, dance and breathwork. She is also an accredited practitioner of sacred sexuality bodywork.