Adrian Atma
Live Music
Adrian atma it’s an orchestra in one body, a travel in the whole world in one song, a whisper from the soul. The concert “Mystic Loop” is a very touching experience and the audience often report to have been carried away and elevated. We dive deep into the multilayered auditory experience of the loopstation, acoustic instruments, beatbox groove and voice. Like no other, Adrian blends with virtuosity the sounds of Indian Sitar, Guitar, indian bansuri(flute), Violin and duduk. He takes you on the journey in his mystic universe with flavours of Indian classical, flamenco, shamanic, mantras, middle eastern. The Idea of this project is base on improvisation, spontaneity and channeling. Therefore the performance is always unique. The same seed songs are performed but always with variations specific to the moment and the audience.
His first “perlgrimage” to India transform his perspective on music. Recorded studio album in 2011 in Jaipur (india) with Rajasthani musicians and later another album in Mexico 2012 with “ the soul fire project”. This great travel in all europe, balkan country, greece, turkey, middle east, Asia, india, and mexico inspired him and gave a great shift to his approach to music!